MOVIES For Your Wanderlusting
Disclaimer: These movies were not selected as the most accurate cultural portrayals of these regions. We are not film experts! We would love to know more films that our community is aware of that we are not. For better or worse, these are mostly American-made movies.
(Still from La Collectionneuse, 1967)
Hotel Rwanda (Rwanda)
Long Walk to Freedom (South Africa)
The Last King of Scotland (Uganda)
King of Katwe (Uganda)
Lost In Translation (Japan)
Beirut (Lebanon)
Crazy Rich Asians (Singapore)
Parasite (South Korea)
The White Tiger (Delhi, India)
The Darjeeling Limited (Throughout India)
IN BRUGES (2008): BRUGES, Belgium
Pride & Prejudice (England)
Hundred Foot Journey (France)
La Collectionneuse (France)
Amélie (France)
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (Iceland)
Under the Tuscan Sun (Italy)
Roman Holiday (Italy)
Before Sunrise (Vienna)
North America:
Wild (Pacific Crest Trail: California)
500 Days of Summer (California)
Roma (CDMX, Mexico)
Y Tu Mamá Tambien (Mexico)
Beasts of the Southern Wild (Mississippi Delta: Louisiana)
Breakfast at Tiffany’s (New York, New York)
South America:
The Motorcycle Diaries (Brazil to Peru)
City of God (Brazil)